Search results for ' Doctor Strange'

MCI accuses Centre of bypassing it

MCI accuses Centre of bypassing it

Rediff.com9 Sep 2003

The Medical Council of India alleged the Centre gave recognition to certain medical colleges in Andhra Pradesh without consulting it.

Mystery disease kills 15 children

Mystery disease kills 15 children

Rediff.com6 Jun 2003

You could tell Dr Kalam was unhappy when he said...

You could tell Dr Kalam was unhappy when he said...

Rediff.com4 Aug 2015

Dr P K Menon, Chief Scientist and CEO, Optimal Synthesis Inc, who worked with Dr A P J Abdul Kalam early on in his career, recalls what it was like working for his first boss.

Why do we blame the victim of a rape?

Why do we blame the victim of a rape?

Rediff.com12 Jun 2012

That the justice system, of which the police are a part, does not work for rape or other victims is no accident, writes Sonali Ranade

Red rain from another planet?

Red rain from another planet?

Rediff.com8 Mar 2006

Hair problems? Try these tips

Hair problems? Try these tips

Rediff.com24 Feb 2006

'One-and-a-half million Indians served in World War I'

'One-and-a-half million Indians served in World War I'

Rediff.com1 Jun 2015

'Over one million people served in various battlefronts during World War I. And yet, even today, we know so very little about them.' 'It is absolutely essential to acknowledge this part of India's colonial history,' Santanu Das tells Vaihayasi Pande Daniel/

Sex queries: 'I never feel like it anymore'

Sex queries: 'I never feel like it anymore'

Rediff.com27 Nov 2009

Andrologist and microsurgeon Dr Sudhakar Krishnamurti responds to rediff readers' sexual queries.

The child bride who is now the CEO of a $112 million company

The child bride who is now the CEO of a $112 million company

Rediff.com26 Feb 2015

Born in poverty and subjected to inhuman abuse, Kalpana Saroj overcame all hurdles to emerge a success story.

F1 not always so fast

F1 not always so fast

Rediff.com24 Jun 2004

Fantastic Four 2 is predictable

Fantastic Four 2 is predictable

Rediff.com15 Jun 2007

The Fantastic Four sequel turns out to be okay, but flat overall.

Cricket World Cup: All you wanted to know about the 14 venues

Cricket World Cup: All you wanted to know about the 14 venues

Rediff.com4 Feb 2015

The 14 grounds that will host matches during the February 14 - March 29 tournament in Australia and New Zealand.

A dead man who left behind a precious gift -- LIFE!

A dead man who left behind a precious gift -- LIFE!

Rediff.com2 Apr 2012

An act of amazing generosity by the grieving family of a working class man who had suddenly died resulted in restoring life to another ordinary working class man, whose tenacity and optimism helped him wait for a long time on the waiting list. What makes this miracle even more amazing, says Dr Sanjay Nagral, is that transplant transcended what is perhaps one of the deepest fault lines in Indian society, the chasm between two religions.

View: The flu, the scare and the confusion

View: The flu, the scare and the confusion

Rediff.com13 Aug 2009

Closing schools can take away the children from peer contact. But what about the parents who commute in overcrowded crowded trains, who may bring the infection home? Cinema halls may be closed for a few days -- strangely, the suggestion is a week's break for schools and just three days for the theatres! -- but what about the all pervasive crowds across the city? Perhaps the only way is to shut down entire cities where the flu has taken a grip. Nothing else makes sense.

Too many Indians... that is Joel Stein's problem

Too many Indians... that is Joel Stein's problem

Rediff.com28 Jul 2010

Indians, cosseted by stories about their success in America, often think they are the golden immigrants, the good ones, guests who can come for dinner. And stay. Perhaps now the blinders will come off, writes Sandip Roy

Changing Census and sensibility in a new India

Changing Census and sensibility in a new India

Rediff.com31 Mar 2011

'I realise that in some ways the Census is a peephole into a changing India. It's not just about transgenders or the disabled. This time marital status includes separate categories for divorced and separated. Mental illness has been separated from mental retardation. For the first time, the census taker is asking for the date of birth.'

The city of my soul: Why I love New York

The city of my soul: Why I love New York

Rediff.com9 May 2014

Sumi Raghavan, an assistant professor of psychology at the College of Mount Saint Vincent in Bronx, on how New York's pulse and rhythm keep her going

The Next Partition of India

The Next Partition of India

Rediff.com24 May 2006

Malvika Iyer's amazing story of grit!

Malvika Iyer's amazing story of grit!

Rediff.com17 Sep 2014

In 2002, at 13 she lost both her hands and severely damaged her legs in a freak accident. Today she is a dedicated social worker, a motivational speaker and model for accessible clothing in India.

Gasping for breath in Maximum City

Gasping for breath in Maximum City

Rediff.com30 Oct 2013

Mumbai claims to have a large number of developed public and private medical facilities. It attracts patients from all over, including abroad, for specialist care. Hoardings proclaiming all sorts of 'state-of-the-art' medical facilities dot its skylines. The lack of a developed emergency medical response system is completely incongruous with all this, says Dr Sanjay Nagral.

Gasping for breath in Maximum City

Gasping for breath in Maximum City

Rediff.com30 Oct 2013

Mumbai claims to have a large number of developed public and private medical facilities. It attracts patients from all over, including abroad, for specialist care. Hoardings proclaiming all sorts of 'state-of-the-art' medical facilities dot its skylines. The lack of a developed emergency medical response system is completely incongruous with all this, says Dr Sanjay Nagral.

Travel insurance: The good, the bad and the ugly

Travel insurance: The good, the bad and the ugly

Rediff.com18 Sep 2008

Here are a few things you must know before using your credit card while travelling abroad.

Legends Made in Mysore: B K S Iyengar and Pattabhi Jois

Legends Made in Mysore: B K S Iyengar and Pattabhi Jois

Rediff.com21 Aug 2014

Two of the greatest modern exponents of yoga began their life in Mysore, under the tutelage of the legendary Krishnamacharya. For both of them, life was yoga. And yoga was life, says Sunaad Raghuram.

An interview with Rama Prasad Goenka

An interview with Rama Prasad Goenka

Rediff.com16 Aug 2008

"My life has been full of interesting people", Rama Prasad Goenka tells Business Standard when asked about memories of an era when the open Indian economy was converted into a closed one based on the licence raj by the person whom he openly idolises, former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

Maheshtala rape case: An 'exaggeration' or a cover up?

Maheshtala rape case: An 'exaggeration' or a cover up?

Rediff.com8 Aug 2014

Those who claim the Maheshtala rape case was only a road accident, are unable to answer why four people were arrested and a gangrape case was registered. Indrani Roy and Dipak Chakraborty report

Logic vs. emotion: And the winner is?

Logic vs. emotion: And the winner is?

Rediff.com26 Jun 2008

Are your emotions always battling your parent's logic when it comes to life decisions? Era Singh analyzes this battle

Ring Two is confusing, but scary

Ring Two is confusing, but scary

Rediff.com18 Mar 2005

Why you couldn't find your name on the voter list

Why you couldn't find your name on the voter list

Rediff.com7 May 2014

'The failure of the ECI to follow the Registration of Electoral Rules and create verified and audited rolls or even verifiable and auditable ones, highlight that the entire electoral roll is merely a compilation of names without any effort or intention for completeness, correctness or fair play.' 'We are fooling ourselves by electing our representatives based on faulty electoral rolls that do not represent the people of the constituency. Elections based on these rolls are neither free nor fair. Democracy is under siege,' says Dr Anupam Saraph.

'Health is not purely matter of facilities'

'Health is not purely matter of facilities'

Rediff.com10 Jul 2007

A revolution in the country's health system is firmly under way, Union Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss tells Sreelatha Menon.

<I>Dhaam Dhoom</I> is worth a watch

Dhaam Dhoom is worth a watch

Rediff.com29 Aug 2008

Dhaam Dhoom, Jeeva's last film, certainly showcases the Tamil cinematographer-turned director's larger than life ambitions, and his talent for storytelling, that is no exaggeration. Right from frame one, where the titles race across magical graphic-induced map of Russian cities, you're prepared to sit up with eagerness.

10 things that money can't buy

10 things that money can't buy

Rediff.com7 Aug 2008

Purchasing power ebbs and flows all the time, but there seem to be a few human longings that remain beyond it . Presenting the usual suspects...

Should you be worried about your sexual fantasies?

Should you be worried about your sexual fantasies?

Rediff.com17 Apr 2007

The biggest problem with fantasising and then acting on such impulses is the pangs of guilt felt once you are done with the deed.

India Real is the most fascinating country in the world

India Real is the most fascinating country in the world

Rediff.com14 Nov 2012

I know something about such stories. They thrill me, they give me goose pimples, and then they fill me with despair. Because they are also a commentary, says Dilip D'Souza about one such India story.

'I've just made myself believe that he is here with me'

'I've just made myself believe that he is here with me'

Rediff.com13 Jul 2012

Kanan Shah, who lost her husband in the July 13 blast in Mumbai last year, tells's Vaihayasi Pande Daniel that no one out there really understands what it is to be the closest kin of a blast victim.

My Mother Gone!

"My Mother Gone!"

Rediff.com30 Oct 2005